After a doctor confirmed the news, Kayden and then-boyfriend Elijah began preparing for their child — even getting married to make their family official. But problems arose when the pregnancy threatened to reveal his transgender status to family and friends who thought they were simply a gay couple. Elijah’s family didn’t even know that his boyfriend had not been born a man.
‘It was such a personal thing that I felt if Kayden wanted them to know he should tell them himself,’ said Elijah.
‘But when we found out Kayden was pregnant we knew we had to tell them. How could we explain the baby when she popped up after a couple of months?’
Shortly after, Kayden and Elijah welcomed their daughter Azaelia into the world.
Things were a little tough after that, with Kayden suffering post-natal depression and Elijah’s family saying some ‘unkind comments.’
But despite the couple’s own struggles since becoming parents, they do not feel that their daughter will face backlash from who her parents are when she is old enough for school.