The SVTV (Strong Voices Television) Network is bringing “Stud Model Project: The Series” to network television. The first show of its kind in the history...
Hidden somewhere between the New England region and depths of horror lurks masterful author and playwright, Howard Odentz who is quickly gaining extreme popularity in...
The anthemic and peace driven song, “Common Ground” has just been released via TRAX Records, as a hot new dance track remixed by iconic DJ...
Alt/Pop rockers American High have just released their highly anticipated new music video for the hit single “U.N. Article 13” on the heels of winning...
Helping America Now (HAN) is a non-profit organization that holds a strong focus towards homeless veterans and mentally disabled adults in need of housing, vocational...
Artist/Designer Garyk Lee has just released episode 6 parts 1 & 2 of his style tv show featuring Fashiona and an interview with the bigoted...
Horror/Supernatural/Thriller author Howard Odentz has just released “Dead End” the highly anticipated third installment in the Dead (a Lot) Trilogy. Zombie apocalypse? Game over. Sixteen-year-old...
Grammy Nominee Chris Bennett and Jazz Giant Bill Marx have released an incredible new album entitled “Something Wonderful” which is now available worldwide. Download your...
World renown LGBT artist/designer Garyk Lee has just released the highly anticipated trailer for his new TV show, Garyk Lee Style TV: A how-to show...