Our Man Crush Monday that we love and adore, Larry Trevon emailed me recently. He advised me that he played in a web series entitled ‘Boy Drama‘ and asked me to check it out. Over the weekend, I had a moment and I decided to press play.
I was excited by the title as it made me want to know more. Larry advised that they call the season’s books and the episodes chapters. This is a very unique approach and I was intrigued by such.
Upon pressing play I am looking at a jail scene which burned my nerve. The inmate talked too much and the sister under acted. It was at this moment I knew my nerve was about to be plucked. On another note, however, the scene was perfect. The dark gloom that was carried was ideal for the visiting room.
As the show continues on we come to a ‘give me what I want, boom kat’ type of sex scene. The acting was dull but the scene was funny. I love how they use eye candy as the main draw. Larry happens to be in this scene. I have never seen him in action. It was fun to get to see him in his craft.
It’s no secret that I rep B’More all day. Eastside, down the hill… Eyyyyyyyy… Watching this series had me missing home. The Baltimore/DC/PG accents that the cast possess had me laughing.
Come with me to the funeral scene. No shade, I know it was meant to be a sentimental moment but babeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee when I tell you the young man in the scene with Larry had me in tearssssssssssssssss. When that hot line blinged and he started to CARRYYYYYYYYYY, I got my entire LIFE……. I swear he made the entire 43 boring minutes of the show. Jacob’s Birthday was memorable as ever…. Happy Birthday, Jacob…
After this scene, I couldn’t take it anymore and I had to turn it off. But not before getting annoyed by the kitchen scene and the record label with no office and 45 contracts.
I need you all to press play and tell me what you think.