“Hip means to know It’s a form of intelligence. To be hip is to be up-date and relevant. Hop is a form of movement. You can’t just observe a hop. You got to hop up and do it. Hip and Hop is more than music Hip is the knowledge. Hop is the movement. Hip and Hop is intelligent movement, Or relevant movement. We selling the music.” (source Urban Dictionary)
Millions of people were captivated by Siir Brock when he appeared on their screen during the recent season of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood. This West Coast reppin, Swagger filled, Barz spittin fine specimen of a man forced the world to take a breath and get caught up in all he had to offer.
It’s no secret that television doesn’t allow you to get to know your favorite celebrities and/or personalities for who they really are. With that in mind, after seeing the “West Coast” video featuring Ashad, I desired to want to know the man behind the music. As we already know, what DiamondKesawn wants DiamondKesawn gets. Hay Now!
Miles Brock aka Siir Brock is the only boy out of 4 children. Miles was raised without a father which caused for him to grow up with a lot of insecurities and internal obstacles he had to overcome. Often bullied in school, Miles turnt his pain into his passion of entertaining. He began modeling and taking acting classes, which prepared him to be featured in several films including, The Broom Wedding and This Christmas and his dancing skills lead him to start a dance group called “Steady Clowin.” Mind you, you know I want to see a good ole dance battle between Miles and Chris Brown. #Okray
When stepping into the alter ego of Siir Brock, Siir Brock is an all-around Entertainer who began his musical journey with Los Angeles R&B sensation, Marz Boiz. Although he had a strong vocal ability, Siir Brock was most comfortable expressing his love of music through rapping on tracks recorded by the group.
“Being a rapper of an R&B group really doesn’t count in the Hip Hop world” says Siir Brock.
“I never really felt respected as a rapper until I went solo.”
Yes gawd for the Pretty Ricky Teas………. Can you say, Team Grind with Me….. LoL.
With that said, I took a moment to kick it with Miles and get to know the man that I have crowned the King of LGBT Hip Hop. His Barz are phenomenal. His love for Life is encouraging. His movement is undeniable, and his personality is contagious. Get ready as I present you the King of LGBT Hip Hop: Siir Brock.
DiamondKesawn: So do me this favor, Siir Brock, please give us the formal introduction to who Siir Brock, the artist, is.
Siir Brock: Siir Brock, the artist, is a West Coast artist. I originally came from an RnB group called Marz Boiz. I was the rapper of that group and now I am solo. I’m a West Coaster. You know, just swagged out dope, a rapper, you know what I’m saying? I stand up for the West. It’s all about the beaches, the palm trees, tattoos, you know, and having a good time out here on the West Coast.
DiamondKesawn: So going from a group to being a solo artist, let’s take it back to even before the group days. What really led you to want to do music overall?
Siir Brock: Music and entertainment has been something that has been a part of my life since I was a child. I grew up dancing and singing and my older sister, when I was younger, she was a rapper, so I watched her rap, you know, and pursue her rap dreams as a child. And you know, it just kind of took over and it became my life. And then I got into Junior High I was singing, and then in high school, and a little bit after high school is when I got with my group, and again, I was the rapper of that group and music has just been a part of my life, my entire life.
DiamondKesawn: So this is something you ain’t new to this, you’re true to this, right?
Siir Brock: Exactly.
DiamondKesawn: So now, being a West Coast rapper, and I just feel like the West Coast movement is something that’s really a culture on its own, how do you, as an artist, approach putting that pin to the paper and really just bringing to life your music?
Siir Brock: Well, you know, I feel like the West Coast, we definitely have a significant sound, you know, with E-40, with Tupac and with, even today, The Game and YG. Like we definitely have a unique sound it’s more than just a sound, this is just when the beat drops, you just know it’s a West Coast beat. And I’m an artist, you know, I just kind of let the beat write itself. I put my headphones on, I listen to the beat and I just fill that pen to the paper and whatever comes to my mind, however the beat is rockin me, you know that I’m an artist, it’s what I do.
DiamondKesawn: Who is your favorite East Coast rapper?
Siir Brock: My favorite East Coast rapper?
DiamondKesawn: East Coast or Down South.
Siir Brock: East Coast or down South, I’m probably going to have to go with Plies.
DiamondKesawn: What’s your definition of “Swag?”
Siir Brock: My definition of West Coast swag, when I say “swag,” I’m talking about tattoos, I’m talking about snapbacks, I’m talking about jerseys, I’m talking about gold rings and gold chains, you know what I mean? That’s what I’m talking about when I talk about swag, especially if you’re coming from the West.
DiamondKesawn: Out of all the songs you’ve put out so far, if you had to pick one that really, really was the core of who you are as an artist, which track would it be and why?
Siir Brock: It will be the “Nothin” track. I choose that one because just everything I’m talking about, the way that the beat moves me, the way the record made me feel when I was recording it, it says me 110%, like no matter what time of the day, when my “Nothin” record comes on, I want to party. So I will say my “Nothin” record is definitely 110% all of who I am, 110%.
DiamondKesawn: So anybody can go hit play on “Nothin” and they will know that’s you all day every day?
Siir Brock: It’s all me, all day, every day.
DiamondKesawn: So I heard you were real educated. I heard you got some degrees or whateva?
Siir Brock: Yeah, definitely. I have two degrees. I have one in math and sciences and the other in social behavior science. You know, that’s another one of my loves is the medical field. I wanted to become a pediatrician at one point. I still might do that, you know?
DiamondKesawn: So Siir “snapback and tattoos” wanted to be a pediatrician?
Siir Brock: Yeah, it is what it is
DiamondKesawn: So the ultimate question we all want to know, my RA Maggers are dying to know, so I have to ask you, what is life like for a rap artist after reality TV?
Siir Brock: You know what, I guess that’s a good question because I don’t know. I’m still getting used to it. I’m still getting the hang of this whole reality life and putting my life in front of the world.
DiamondKesawn: And I have to ask you, how does it feel to be the boy with three sisters who is educated and articulate and into music and just loving life to now be like literally a national sex symbol?
Siir Brock: It’s crazy man, like it’s weird, you know? I’m still getting used to it myself especially when a lot of the response I get from women who actually know now, it’s like a lot of them don’t even care. So I don’t know, it’s definitely crazy.
DiamondKesawn: So let’s talk about this collection, your “Just Love” collection, tell me about it.
Siir Brock: It’s a new luxury hat line that I know, from watching the show and from people seeing me, I always have hats on. So I just kind of wanted to start a movement to promote people accepting the differences of others, you know what I’m saying? And it’s not necessarily, I don’t want it want to be necessarily a gay thing or a straight thing, it’s just people accepting people for their difference and to start a movement to where we can just all come together and love each other as one, no matter what or who you are, you know? I’m proud of it, I took a lot of time being very careful on the material. They’re all suede. And you know, it’s just love, not hate, not judgment, just love.
DiamondKesawn: Is this suede hat water-proof, glue-proof and stuff? You know my bundles be getting wet from sweat. LoL.
Siir Brock: Yes, they are. They’re all of that.
DiamondKesawn: So we got the hat collection, we got the music collection, you are one of the ‘IT’ factors that the world is watching and you’re doing it. So I have to ask you, how does it feel now that you have come out and the world knows?
Siir Brock: It definitely feels good but at times, it’s still unbelievable, like I even shock myself. I can’t believe like a part of me still can’t believe it myself, like dang, everybody just knows your business or whenever I’m out and someone recognizes who I am, the first thing I think is like, “Dang, they recognize me and they’re cool and they want to take a picture, and they know about me.” But it’s kind of surreal to me still, like just everything that’s happening is still surreal, but you know, it feels good. Overall, it does. It definitely feels good. I’m just shocked the way the world is receiving me.
DiamondKesawn: I have a question for you, to the younger generation who is now looking at you, who is now looking at the hat collection who is going to follow the “Jus Love Movement,” who wants to love him/herself, who wants others to love them for them and they want to be comfortable in their own skin, what are your words of encouragement for them?
Siir Brock: My words of encouragement for them would be just stay prayed up, keep positive people around you and whenever they are ready to come out, if they are out or if they’re not, just do it at their own time. Do it, don’t let nobody force you, don’t let nobody make you. Whenever you’re ready to make that step and make that move, do it on your own time and just stay prayed up and it will be okay. Now, I’m not going to sugarcoat and say it’s going to be easy, it’s definitely not easy especially in black culture but they’ll be okay. They’ll definitely be okay.
DiamondKesawn: Do me this favor because I know behind every great man, there has to be a great team, so give the shout-outs to the team please.
Siir Brock: Oh definitely, shout-out to my team out there, my team that’s listening, having them through, you know, The Nottingham Group, Dianne Kennedy, my team with Gina Bradley, you know my team in Vinece Barlow, that’s my team. That’s all I got right there. You know, they keep me grounded. They keep me moving and it is what it is. That’s all I got. They’re all I got.
DiamondKesawn: There it is, and for those who may not know yet, because they ain’t all technically-savvy, let them know where they can follow you at in this social media game.
Siir Brock: Absolutely. My name is the same across the board, ya’ll. Siir Brock with two “I’s”, “S-I-I-R” Brock. And that’s the same name on Instagram, same name on Twitter, same name on Snapchat, same name on Facebook, so holler at you all. Check me out.
DiamondKesawn: Siir Brock, on behalf of myself, DiamondKesawn, Raynbow Affair Magazine, the platform, again, I thank you. Thank you for making the time to speak with us. Listen, keep us posted, keep us in the loop because we will make you do what you do.
Siir Brock: Absolutely. Thank you, Diamond.
I told you we would get to know the man behind the music. You know it wouldn’t be me without some extra Tees and few added lines. Stay tuned for the interactive release as you ca get to hear the interview in it’s Raw and Real form…. #HayNow
Editors Note:
Issue #9 of Raynbow Affair Magazine recently released this digital cover and Siir Brock was labeled the “KING” of LGBT Hip-Hop. There was no round-table discussion. There were no fan votes. No ballot drops or anything of the sort. It was I, DiamondKesawn, the Editor In Chief of Raynbow Affair Magazine who crowned Siir Brock with that title.
To me, a King is a person who represents Power, Strength, and Courage. A King is able to lead by example and can take the ridicule bestowed upon him and still remain positive.
At the time that I spoke with Siir Brock, I didn’t just see an artist, or a reality TV celeb, I saw a man. A man who had to go through one of the hardest trials in his life in front of the world. A man who had to deal with the acceptance of his family and friends, in front of the entire world and take all that was thrown at him. As a gay black male, I know it’s hard enough dealing with the acceptance of your parents, but to add the eyes of the world takes it to a level of incomprehensible feelings.
Siir Brock was a King in my eyes because, as he went through all the backlash, all the hate, all the judgement, ridicule, and disrespect, he kept his head held high. He kept a smile on his face. He represented a movement of just love and he never stooped to a level of unsociable unpleasantness. He remained jovial as he took it from the world.
I know many do not not agree with my personal feelings and I accept that, however, as I searched for the right word to label Siir Brock, King represented the elements that I was impressed with. The element of LGBT Hip-Hop was incorporated due to the fact that his feature was based on the music.
DiamondKesawn, the Editor In Chief of Raynbow Affair Magazine