It’s not everyday that an Editor in Chief is blessed with a contributing writer such as Kimberly Bennett-Eady or as I call her Black Barbie. My Barbie is a Warrior, Survivor, Inspiration, Realist and most of all and Whole Hearted Individual. No shade, she is Fashion Realness and she serves the kids Bangy Chic for the Gawdzzzzzzzzzz…… Did I mention she heads up our #FashionWithMeaningAndPurpose and is the Trend Setter for her #RockTealToSupportScleroderma. Oh yes, she is on 1000. Sit back and enjoy this 2015 Year in Review like only she can do it.
2015 Year in Review
I think it’s fitting to say, “This year has flown by so quickly!” Does the aforementioned statement/assessment ring true for you as well? Every year I think the general consensus amongst adults (primarily) is how rapidly time seems to go by. If we examine the actual quantification of time within our lives broken down into actual seconds, minutes & hours; which quickly turn into days & weeks. Those weeks, swiftly turn into months, and before we know it, an entire year has come to a close. As we get older, our concept of time seems to be on a continual fast forward/accelerated loop. Life is so hectic and there’s always so much to do; we often get so busy with taking care of our responsibilities, we don’t get to just be present/aware and enjoy the little moments of life. Being on a continuous ‘fast track,’ we get into a habit of ‘getting through” our respective ‘to-do lists.’ Our routines become mundane, so much so, time blends together. We’re often conditioned to live by our calendars – having every minute of every day planned out perfectly. We’re generally, rushing to finish our conventional “work week” to get to the freedom of our respective “weekend/downtime.” Ironically, our ‘free time/downtime” isn’t ever really our own, because we still have to take care of things that we often couldn’t complete because of previous obligations. Vacations, personal time, 3-day weekends are welcomed gifts from above; they’re to be cherished and savored.
With the major holidays surrounding us, and 2015 drawing close to an end, we tend to reflect on the entire year as a whole. I for one, am so very excited for 2016 to get here! I’m completely done, over, and more than ready for 2015 to take its final bow! Basically, my feelings about 2015 can be summed up by utilizing a pop culture reference melody; 2015 can: “Get to Steppin’,” “Move B*^%h Get Out the Way” because I’m “Moving On,” and with that said, “Bye, Bye, Bye” & “Deuces!” You may be wondering why this #BrokendownBlackBarbie, aka #CannulaChicCutie, aka “Ms. #AgainstAllOddsRealness” is so eager to get the heck out of the year 2015? It’s simple, life while often times may be “sweet,” it’s also a complete juxtaposition; as it can also be a “mean & surly sour patch kid.” This year has been filled with so many tragedies (globally & domestically.) Personally, I’ve experienced tremendous and profound losses of loved ones this year. Sadly, they all perished within weeks of one another. My tank is on “F” and I’ve had my personal fill of overwhelming heartbreak & grief. Looking at the news & reading about the loss of humanity as a whole is completely unnerving, and it just makes me fearful & pray as hard as I can for the world as a whole. Being surrounded by death, violence, and watching images of warfare, destruction, famine & hate, I’m just ready for peace, healing, love, laughter – I’m just ready for positive change. Can you identify? It’s time to embark on a new year! A new year means new opportunity & hope. You get to leave the past exactly where it belongs, behind you. Going into the New Year ahead, you get to focus your energy on looking forward, setting new goals, personally & professionally; most of all, you get to reset your mindset, and take time to really, be cognizant of everything surrounding you. Make sure to foster and nurture relationships and make time to authentically connect with others as well as, yourself by taking actual “me time” to disconnect from devices & distractions from time to time.
I hope 2016 brings our loyal readership and the world beyond wonderful blessings. I hope you receive the gift of reflection, so you can do better with the information you’ve downloaded from your internal databases. We can “be the change we want to see in the world” by simply “being the light,” if we each do better and show love & kindness to one another, we can all take a stance at restoring humanity. Wishing you all health, love, wealth and remember to stay ‘fashionably fierce” in this new year ahead! Happy Holidays to you and everyone you hold dear!
✅out the?Fuego? Summer Edition of @raynbowaffair pg.16 #AgainstAllOddsRealness @DiamondKesawn
— Kimberly B.E. (@Ms_Modern_CIC) August 14, 2015
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“My Heart” by Irene Michaels Voted “Best Recording, Independent” In BroadwayWorld Cabaret AWARDS
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