Oddly Oden Oddly Oden is presented as an electrifying mockumentary that shows family values with a twist. Viewers can expect to fall in love with...
The iMDB synopsis reads: After a humiliating command performance at Lincoln Center, the Barden Bellas enter an international competition that no American group has ever won...
NENE & KIM: ROAD TO RICHES The word is out #RHOA favorites Nene Leakes and Kim Zolciak-Bearmann announced their upcoming show “Road to Riches.” During...
Love & War Hip Hop is Backkkkkkkkk…… Get More: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta In case you haven’t heard yet, VH1 released the news on...
It’s no secret that Kris Kelli is one of my favorite artist. This Yard Style Rude Gal knows how to make a track and will...
Author Dannell Booker Unleashes the “Love Is Painful Sometimes” Urban Erotica Trilogy Series Los Angeles – Tall, dark and sublimely handsome, author Dannell Booker pens...
Star Cavalli Tierra Richell Stevenson (born February 26th, 1988) an American Artist From Rochester, NY, Now known as Star Cavalli previously known as Star AKA Fresh & Baby-...
OUT IN THE NIGHT Out in the Night is a documentary that tells the story of a group of young friends, African-American lesbians who are...