Disney+ and National Geographic recently announced the following casting of the Original Series “Genius: MLK/X,” produced by 20th Television, Imagine Television and Undisputed Cinema: Kelvin...
The REVOLT Summit X AT&T wrapped this past weekend with yet another star-studded event full of celebrity appearances and cultural viral moments. Babeeeeeeeeee! Hear me...
David Nail is coming to Buckhead Theatre in Atlanta, GA October 5, 2022 Hailing from Kennett, Missouri, David Nail is well-respected up and down Music Row. Some might...
URGE Miami Festival Returns This Thanksgiving Weekend with Three Massive Night Spectaculars and the Steamiest Beach Party on the Sands of South Beach
Delivering it for the partygoer, Tylan is showing us just how much he has grown up since the release of ‘My Type.’ With the release...
Delivering a Triple Threat, Stefano has presented Sexiness, Music, and Vocals in his latest release “Crazy.” Crazy is the type of track that takes you...
The Urbans red carpet screening took place Tuesday, September 20 at Silverspot Cinema at the Battery in Atlanta. Atlanta’s newest comedy has the city on...
Bounce TV hit us with a new one this weekend and I am here for what was Delivereddddddddd… Centering around the Black female experience through...
After forcing me to miss my ex with the latest release entitled ‘If I Don’t Have You,’ J Line afforded me the opportunity to go...
In College Park, GA three new businesses have opened on Main Street, one of the business districts implementing a centered approach for community-driven, preservation-based, economic...