The Trusted are Southend-on-Sea natives Dave Batchelor, Dale Holt-Mead, Fin Cunningham and Tom Cunningham. Initially starting out in secondary school, the band bonded over their...
WAKE UP, is a call to action for Black, Indigenous, People of Color and their Allies, and is written and produced by Russell Taylor, and...
Following up her latest single “Vibes” just last week, buzzing up-and-coming singer/songwriter Juvahn is back again with another new track titled “City” featuring Eddy Mack. This Divy Pota-produced track is officially...
As one of the most charismatic leaders of the new R&B generation, Josh Waters returns with the release of “Waves” ft. Xiamara Jennings. Since his...
Lissen! When it comes to R&B… When it comes to GREAT R&B… We can’t name some greats and not mention RL. The Letter J EP...
SuperM unveiled their new single and video, “Tiger Inside,” The track is from the chart-topping K-pop supergroup’s first full-length album, Super One, set for release...
From Warner Bros. Pictures comes “The Batman,” with director Matt Reeves (the “Planet of the Apes” films) at the helm and with Robert Pattinson (“Tenet,”...
Come Thruuuuuuu Tweet! Serve me Vocalssssssssssss… The critically acclaimed award-winning Southern Hummingbird, Tweet, makes a triumphant return to music, following a three-year hiatus, with her new single...