Acclaimed actor and director Andy Serkis reinvents Rudyard Kipling’s beloved masterpiece, in which a boy torn between two worlds accepts his destiny and becomes...
One week before Christmas, Margaret, the gorgeous Duchess of Montenaro, switches places with Stacy, a “commoner” from Chicago, who looks exactly like her. With the...
Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) today announced it has selected two new African American majority owned independent networks to be broadly distributed on Comcast Cable systems beginning...
Last night, The CW along with the Black Women Film Network (BWFN) hosted a screening of the new series ALL AMERICAN at Regal Atlantic Station. Cast...
From his team members on The Voice to veteran country artists, Blake Shelton has a history of demonstrating his support for the people in whom...
Drama Queenz, the pioneering hit comedy web series that chronicled the lives of three best friends in Queens NYC, celebrates ten fabulous years and I...
Taking time away from his busy schedule of Fashion, Fun, and Glitter, Glitterbomb co-host Alexander Rodriguez sits down with me and allows me to get all...
Recently, I had the chance to catch up with content creator Tre Floyd and babeeeeeeee, it was a truly amazing experience. Tre is a native...
In a special episode released recently, Janelle Monae sits down for a PROFILE interview and discusses growing up in Kansas City, the lack of...
The EDGY Conference, which is presented by Penny Lane Centers, strives to create a supportive environment for GLBTQ (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning) youth...