Let’s recap the Gospel element that owned the night. The 22nd Annual Super Bowl Gospel Celebration, hosted by television and radio personality Rickey Smiley, aired Saturday, February 6 on...
For the eighth consecutive year, the 22nd Annual Super Bowl Gospel Celebration will air on BET during Super Bowl LV week on Saturday, February 6th at 8/7c. The theme “Nothing Can Stop...
Today, Billboard Music Award and NAACP Image Award winner and two-time GRAMMY®– nominee Koryn Hawthorne, released her highly anticipated album, I Am. The new album is the...
The 20th Annual “Super Bowl Gospel Celebration” will air Saturday, February 2 at 8pm ET/PT on BET. In the meantime, let me give you a pictorial peek as to...
At 21 years old, Dove Award-winning and GRAMMY®-nominated artist Koryn Hawthorne has quickly broken records with her smash hit, “Won’t He Do It,” being crowned...