This web based series is created and written by Frank Williams (BRICKS and Oxygen’s Glee Project) and directed by my good Judy Glenn Quentin (Bi...
Artist: Blacc Zacc ft. Young Dolph Songtitle: 100 Bands REMIX (Main, Clean & Instrumental Versions Included)
Did embarrassment lead to the shooting death of a 21-year-old transgender woman in Maryland?
Here we go. The ladies Aggy and Maggy (Milan and The Other One) sit around with Hot 97 and discuss what the fans want to...
Fuse network will air an episode centered around a transgender law enforcement officer from the San Francisco Police Dept. as well as AsiaSF dancer and...
DuQuaye is an Atlanta based artist originally from Bridgeport, Ct. Beginning his career as a marketing intern at Patchwerk Recording Studios Quaye knew he was...
Spill it: Memphis rapper and VH1 “Love and Hip Hop Atlanta” cast member Jessica Dime aka Dimepiece, sits down with DJ Smallz and weighs in...
Now, I don’t know how you all kept this away from me but I am caught up and babeeeeeeeeeee, the shade is thick and the...
H.E.L.P. (Heard Every Lie Possible)
The topic of Gays going to Hell has always been a Hot Seat for those like me who grew up C.O.G.I.C or any other Bible...