Sham Ibrahim is the new definition of “The next BIG thing”

Hollywood is a magical place filled with magical people who have lots of money and fancy cars.  Yes Hollywood is just like the movies. It sparkles darlings.  ( You can decide for yourself if that is sarcasm or not)

In the last year or so the infamous “wood” has gotten a healthy dose of up and coming scene queens.  It’s like that movie party monster all over again minus the murder scene and Seth Green in wigs.  Yes honey the gays are here to stay and SLAY!  Which brings me to Sham Ibrahim. A celebrity pop art artist who has literally given his now infamous  portraits to pretty much all of Hollywood. Everyone from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’s Lisa Vanderpump to The Jacksons!  Oh yes my friends THE Jacksons! Even Jermaine was there!

Sham’s most recent pop up celebrity pop art appearance was of course on another fabulous red carpet setting. The MTV’s Road to the VMA’s with T-Pain. Naturally  T-pain was the receiver of the amazing  portrait. This meeting wasn’t like all the before mentioned gifting. This time  the famous pop art artist asked some very strong questions about homophobia and it was amazing to see T-pain not even blink an eye when responding to how he felt about homophobia and why it occurs.

T-Pain’s response was indepth and sweet telling Ibrahim that he felt homophobia existed because of people’s upbringing,  He blamed parenting and negative thought patterns on generations of families teaching their children to fear and hate gays.  It was quite a scene and very touching to see a big celeb like T-Pain take on a topic that people have literally been talking about non stop since 1984.. I swear.

I highly doubt this will be Ibrahims final pop art scene on a red carpet.  A little birdy told me he as some big big platforms he is about to embark on and I cannot wait to see what is next.

11144496_10207671020797964_5087873604477740873_n (2) 10517347_10205488496036209_2588656630547365998_o Sir Jones/Photo credit

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When it comes to the Name DiamondKesawn, it truly speaks for itself. Born Kesawn Cooper, in conjunction with the fact that he is known to be a girl's Best friend aka Diamond; you get the Birth of DiamondKesawn. The Self Made Media Socialite is dedicated to the continued Growth and the Development of himself, DKP the Brand, RAmag, and the Brands of those he will touch. Buckle your Seat Belt as it’s always a Roller Coaster Ride with DiamondKesawn. #MindYou

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