Rose Cangelosi is “Over It (and It’s Christmas Eve)”

Rose Cangelosi

You might remember Fantasy Non Fiction, the New Orleans based band that released their debut s/t album back in May. Bandleader, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist, Rose Cangelosi is back, just in time for the holidays with what is looking like a new holiday classic.

“Over It (and It’s Christmas Eve)” sees Cangelosi alone at the piano in a very New Orleans-y parlor, reflecting on a troubled relationship- on Christmas Eve.

Here’s what Rose Cangelosi had to say about “Over It (and It’s Christmas Eve)”

“This song is my ‘River.’ I wrote it last year around the time I was having some issues with my partner and the holiday spirit was haunting me. I haven’t been super into Christmas for a while, I’m in a place where I really appreciate chosen family potlucks more than sudo-religious capitalistic traditions. My favorite verse is the one about inviting your demons to tea. Its based off of a story my favorite spiritual teacher, Tara Brach, shared. When the meddling demon god Mara shows his face, Buddha invites him for tea instead of being afraid. In my reflection, my demons accept the invitation and then taunt me for not feeding them- sounds about right!”

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