RAmaggers, I really need you to talk to me about this one here. As you all know, I reside in Atlanta, Just Jay, Owner and Publisher of RA Mag, per my request moved the Headquarters for Raynbow Affair to Atlanta as not only was in more convenient for me (you know I’m spoiled) but in my opinion it is LGBT Central. Naturally, with it being LGBT Central, wouldn’t that make it the most friendliest LGBT City??? Or nah???
While doing having my daily Tea and Crumpets, I discovered the below article. This article sparked a discussion amongst the team. I need you all to sound off and tell me what you think.
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Author and founder of the Philadelphia Gay News, Mark Segal, discussed his new book, “And Then I Danced,” as well as Philadelphia’s role in the LGBT movement and his support
for Hillary Clinton for President.
Segal told Dom Giordano on Talk Radio 1210 WPHT that he is proud of the evolution he has seen in Philadelphia since becoming a gay activist decades ago.
“Who would have ever thought in 46 years, in my life, that I would’ve seen marriage equality? What I like about the book, more than anything else, is the fact that, basically, it’s a love letter to Philadelphia. When I started, I was fighting the entire system, whether that be City Council, the Mayor’s office
, the Governor’s office, or even the President. Now, I have entree to all of those people. Philadelphia is on top of the world, literally, the nation’s most LGBT friendly city.”
He rejected criticisms that Hillary Clinton has been too slow to embrace LGBT rights and said he’s considered her an ally for about 30 years.
“I’ve heard that over the last week, and it’s just not a true fact. The real fact of the matter is, her main opponent is Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders didn’t come to the game until past 1990. In 1990, when he was the mayor in Burlington, he literally did not support the non-discrimination bill. That’s what I call late. [Former Maryland Governor Martin] O’Malley came late to marriage equality in Maryland. She’s been there, way before, in the eighties.”
Segal also stated he was satisfied by acceptance of LGBT citizens throughout society, even within many religious groups.
“Practically the only religious groups that are opposed to LGBT rights are right wing organizations or the Catholic Church, Mormons, and evangelicals. Other than that, practically every religion in America has LGBT equality. And you’ve got to remember, those groups were the last groups to end discrimination in their own organizations.”
Does the Prize go to Philly?
Does the Prize go to Atlanta?
Does the Prize go to San Fran?
What are your thoughts? TWEET ME and let me know.