Divine Disruption: Empower a Worship Revolution in D.C.

Oh, baby! As church be churchin, Karmen is taking another approach and needs your support.

None of the 7 Traditional Black church denominations are inclusive and affirming. Recent studies have shown that inclusivity in worship can significantly impact mental, physical, and holistic health positively, especially in marginalized communities. For example, affirming religious environments have been linked to lower rates of psychological stress and higher levels of personal well-being among LGBTQ+ individuals.

We’re organizing a unique Pop-Up Worship Experience in D.C. that’s inclusive and affirming for everyone, especially the Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and Two-Spirit LGBTQ+ community. It’s a blend of spirituality, support, and celebration, and Karmen would love your support to make it amazing.

To note, every little bit helps them create a safe and uplifting space. Plus, your donations are tax-deductible.

Click Here to Donate

When it comes to the Name DiamondKesawn, it truly speaks for itself. Born Kesawn Cooper, in conjunction with the fact that he is known to be a girl's Best friend aka Diamond; you get the Birth of DiamondKesawn. The Self Made Media Socialite is dedicated to the continued Growth and the Development of himself, DKP the Brand, RAmag, and the Brands of those he will touch. Buckle your Seat Belt as it’s always a Roller Coaster Ride with DiamondKesawn. #MindYou