Manny Halley Productions kicked off its 2023 release with the red carpet premiere for their original action/thriller IMANI. Officially airing on Paramount/ VIACOM’s BET and...
Witness the mother of all evil in the official trailer for Evil Dead Rise – only in theaters on April 21 #EvilDeadRise New Line...
Breaking Glass Pictures announced the North American release of director Jude Bauman’s French erotic LGBTQ+ drama BETWEEN US. The film arrives on DVD and VOD,...
For the record… I’m scared already! When Margaret (Wainwright) and Ben (Gilford) take a weekend trip with longtime friends Ellie (Crew) and Thomas (Santos) and...
Wide Open: The Andre Rison Story is coming to the big screen with a special sneak preview streaming Christmas weekend starting Friday, December 23, at...
MTV has announced Grammy® Award-winning singer, songwriter, and actress Ariana Grande will join Emmy® award-winning host RuPaul as the guest judge for the two-episode season...
What happens when you combine being Homesick, Single, and Hungry?? (sounds like my life. LoL) When three women who own a coffee shop are forced...
Breaking Glass Pictures is proud to announce the North American release of award-winning writer/director Scud’s provocative LGBTQ+ feature APOSTLES. “Apostles” held its World Premiere at...
Boulevard! A Hollywood Story is now streaming for rental or purchase on iTunes and Apple TV from Emmy-winning director, Jeffrey Schwarz (The Fabulous Allan Carr, Tab Hunter Confidential, I Am Divine,...
This is the start of a hostile friendship.