Inspired by the life of creator Robb Cullen, AVERAGE JOE is a darkly comedic, intense one-hour ensemble, set in “The Hill” district of Pittsburgh. Blue-collar...
Two time Grammy-nominated gospel recording artist, VaShawn Mitchell, just premiered the brand new music video for his new hit single, “See the Goodness” featuring gospel...
On the one-year anniversary of her first daughter’s stillbirth, Liz Glazer recorded her debut album. A Very Particular Experience will be out on Friday, May...
The KindRED Pride Foundation is launching a global movement for the first Saturday of June each year where all LGBTQ+ individuals and allies wear a...
On March 31, International Trans Day of Visibility, Pocket took the time to spotlight creators, artists, and activists generous enough to share their joy with...
I’m at that point in my life where being told to ‘Act Your Age’ has a whole new meaning than it once did during childhood…...
The Black Excellence Brunch held another installment of their iconic event on Sunday, March 26, 2023, with sponsors Athletic Greens and Savage Fenty. The brunch...
PCH Peachtree TV is rolling out new, locally produced entertainment programming to Atlanta viewers. As of Sunday, March 26, 2023, the 8-9 pm time period...
A few years ago I was afforded the opportunity to interview VaShawn Mitchell on the Red Carpet at the BMI Awards. For those who remember,...
For Panda Cares Scholars Institute Featuring Pinky Cole, Dalen Spratt, and More! Panda Cares Presented by Panda Express & UNCF returned post-pandemic with a 3-Day...