Oscar’s Hotel for Fantastical Creatures is a six-part original series where Oliver must navigate the mystical, surprising and sometimes dangerous world where there is never a quiet night and the monstrous guests can be a little high maintenance. “Oscar’s Hotel” transports its audience to a whimsical, fantastical universe where Oliver, a twenty-something manager’s assistant, finds himself as the temporary proprietor of his uncle’s magical hotel when Oscar leaves unexpectedly on cosmic council business. Oliver’s struggle to manage the hotel takes him on surreal adventures with its eccentric residents.
Chris Kendall stars with an ensemble guest cast featuring Anna Akana, Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, Hannah Hart, Jake Roper, Mitchell Davis, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Jack Howard, Dean Dobbs, Meghan Rienks, PewDiePie, Marzia Bisognin, Carrie Fletcher, TomSka, Steve Zaragoza, Andrew Ableson, Patrick Stewart, Alfred Molina and Elliott Gould and more!
Created and Directed by: PJ Liguori Oscar’s Hotel is produced in association with The Jim Henson Company and Debuts on Vimeo on Demand September 15, 2015