Black Earth Rising, a limited series launching on Netflix Jan 25, is a contemporary thriller that follows the journey of Kate Ashby (Michaela Coel), a Rwandan orphaned by the genocide, raised in London by an adoptive mother and trying to discover the truth of her past. She is helped in her search by lawyer Michael Ennis (John Goodman). The series examines the West’s relationship with Africa, set in a world of prosecution of war crimes.
Writer/Director: Hugo Blick (The Honourable Woman, The Shadow Line)
Executive Producer: Greg Brenman (The Honourable Woman, Doctor Foster)
Starring: Michaela Coel (Chewing Gum), John Goodman (The Conners), Harriet Walter (Patrick Melrose), Tamara Tunie (Law & Order: Special Victims Unit), Noma Dumezweni (Electric Dreams)