Breaking Glass Pictures is proud to announce the release of 7 Minutes. The film takes place in Toulouse, France and tells the story of Jean, a 55...
Breaking Glass Pictures recently announced that production has wrapped on the dark comedy feature film Waking Up Dead. The movie was shot in Los Angeles and produced...
Breaking Glass Pictures is proud to announce the release of Rialto, a gripping, complex story about a man who’s life is in free-fall. A man who...
Breaking Glass Pictures will be releasing Day 13, a horror-thriller film full of summer romance, abductions and occult sacrifices. Colton is an outgoing teenager with the summertime blues, stuck watching his...
Breaking Glass Pictures has acquired Worldwide rights to the documentary “Pornstar Pandemic: The Guys”, an intimate examination of LGBTQ adult actors and their lives during...
Breaking Glass Pictures has acquired Worldwide rights to award-winning writer/director Terracino’s (“Elliot Loves”) latest feature, “Waking Up Dead.” Starring Gabriel Sousa (“Veronica Mars”, “Dollface”), Judy...