AMERICAN SKIN weaves a layered story in the tradition of Sidney Lumet’s 12 Angry Men and Dog Day Afternoon, that follows a Black Iraqi War...
Revry, the first global LGBTQ+ TV network, will celebrate the holiday season with the release of the first ever queer game show Versus. In a...
Bounce, the first and only broadcast and multi-platform entertainment network serving African Americans, has announced the full roster of honorees for the 2020 Bounce Trumpet Awards which...
TV One’s new original holiday film CHRISTMAS DILEMMA is set for Sunday, December 6, 2020, at 7 P.M. ET/ 6C with an immediate encore at 9 P.M....
Bounce, the first and only broadcast and multi-platform entertainment network serving African Americans, has acquired the exclusive world broadcast television premiere rights to With Drawn Arms, the...
OWN is kicking off the holidays early with the premiere of its first-ever gospel music special Tuesday, December 1 called, “Our OWN Christmas” hosted by...
Motown Gospel/Capitol CMG recording artist Evvie McKinney will join a star-studded lineup of musical greats for the 2020 Black Music Honors celebration. The special will...
The highly anticipated reimagining of SAVED BY THE BELL will premiere Wednesday, Nov. 25 on Peacock. In the new series, when California governor Zack Morris...
Chicago-based television production company Central City Productions will premiere the 2020 Black Music Honors on Saturday, November 21 at 12 P.M. EST on Bounce TV. The show will air in national broadcast syndication starting November 21...