Artist Tertulien Thomas Delivers Siren Song “Se Nou”

With an unwavering passion and a musical journey that burns brighter than a thousand suns, multi-faceted artist Tertulien Thomas has produced a fusion that transcends boundaries. Pushing the boundaries of convention, he crafts sonic stories that resonate deep within the soul. Through velvety saxophone riffs and spellbinding vocals, his new collaboration with R&B artist Prophete: “Se Nou” weaves a narrative of a chance encounter that evolves into a timeless fairytale. We sat down with Tertulien to talk about the song and how he hopes it resonates with the LGBTQ+ music community.

1) We love “Se Nou”! Let’s start things off by learning a bit more about the song. What was the original inspiration behind the track?

The inspiration around the track really started on the premise of longing for love, wanting to be in love and going through spiritual means to obtain such love. It’s why I went a bit mystical with the cover art gracefully done by Tru.Art. Mermaids and sirens, and sea gods are all part of Haitian spirituality which is Vodou, so on Se Nou, I’m really channeling the alluring voice of the siren to sing my song of love. Where most productions seem to like to demonize Haitian mysticism, I am here to romanticize it.

You hear so many stories of the siren song and shipmates being lured to their death, in my story the lover shows up to the male siren to receive the golden heart of love…no one gets killed but rather the love becomes immortalized by always shining. I was at a jam session back in 2016 when this melody first came through; at the time the lyrics were not present but the vibe was and I knew that I wanted to write lyrics in Kreyol. I was going for a jazz pseudo Shadé vibe but in my native tongue.

It wasn’t until Daniel moved into town and asked me about collaborating on a song that I present him with what is now “Se Nou”

2) How do you hope the track will resonate with your fans as well as the LGBTQ+ community as a whole?

We are trusting that everyone will soak up the song because it is such a transcendent vibe. The intention was to transport you to somewhere peaceful and exotic with the love of your life, if not that exact thing as long as folks are vibing on the song and it resonates with them, that is what matters to me. As far as the LGBTQ community, I think it’s important to impinge on culture and let people know where your roots stem from.

My desire is to share the beauty of my culture with others despite the negative feedback it gets in the media.

3) In your opinion, what is the LBGTQ+ music community excelling at right now? What could be improved upon?

I like that community is growing and that there are more of “us” artists showing up and doing the damn thing, however there does need to be more ethnic variety. What could be improved upon is the less play on stereotypes and shock value and more focus on authenticity and depth. Everyone is doing “shock value” right now that it’s bit of a turn off. I’d rather see the real YOU as an artist because that grabs my attention way more than “shock value” which ideally I feel could be dying a very slow death.

4) Who are some of your musical influences and why?

My music influences range from Ashford& Simpson, EWF, Diana Ross, Aretha Franklin, Whitney Houston, George Michael anything from the 70’s era that is SOUL count me in. I feel like Whitney Houston is my music teacher in my head!

5) Why did you choose to write “Se Nou” in Haitian Creole? Have you received a response from Haitian music fans?

I chose to write Se Nou in Haitian Creole because I wanted to pay homage to my Haitian roots. I grew up singing in the church and once I left I kind of stopped singing in creole and turned my focus on to secular music. So far, Haitian music fans have responded very positively to the song two comments in particular have stuck out to me so far. The incredible Naika has stated “Beautiful love, reminds me of Beethova Obas ”

Actor, Catfish Jean said that it “Gives off Sade vibes”

I am so humbled by the response so far and hope that it reaches more fans within the Haitian community and beyond.

6) Is there anything else you’d like fans to know before this year ends? 

Yes more new works on the horizon…

Listen to “Se Nou” on Spotify Now.