Featuring several intersecting stories, The Last Summer follows a group of recent high school graduates as they navigate their way through their final summer before taking off for college. As the youths wrestle with love lost and found, form friendships in unexpected circumstances, and take greater control in their relationships with parents, they ultimately decide who they will be and what they will do as they stand on the precipice of adulthood. Starring K.J. Apa, Maia Mitchell, Jacob Latimore, Halston Sage, Sosie Bacon, Wolfgang Novogratz, Gabrielle Anwar, Ed Quinn, Jacob McCarthy, Mario Revolori, Gage Golightly, Norman Johnson, Jr. and Tyler Posey.
The Last Summer is directed by William Bindley, who also co-wrote the film with Scott Bindley. The film is produced by Mike Karz, William Bindley and Wayne Rice.