The series, created and executive produced by Tracey Thomson and Charles Pratt Jr., who serves as showrunner and executive producer, follows the adventures of Griffin Campbell and his family when they move into The Tremont, a hotel with a paranormal past. The Children’s and Family Emmy® Awards-nominated series premieres on Friday, March 24. All episodes are available the next day on Disney+.
In season three of “Secrets of Sulphur Springs,” a new ghost checks into room 205 and starts wreaking havoc around The Tremont. After learning the evil presence will ruin their lives by 2024, the kids race to solve a tangled mystery in the past. This could be the key to defeating the ghost in the present and saving the Dunns and the Campbells from a very bleak future.
The series stars Preston Oliver (“This is Us”) as Griffin Campbell, Kyliegh Curran (“Doctor Sleep”) as Harper Dunn, Elle Graham (“Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret”) as Savannah Dillon, Kelly Frye (“Criminal Minds”) as Sarah Campbell, Josh Braaten (“American Horror Story”) as Ben Campell, Landon Gordon (“Top Gun: Maverick”) as Wyatt Campbell, Madeleine McGraw (“Black Phone”) as Zoey Campbell, Diandra Lyle (“American Woman”) as Jess Dunn, Johari Washington (“The Walk-On’s”) as Topher Dunn and Eugene Byrd (“Bones”) as Sam Tremont.